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Dreams Uncovered ~ A Workbook and Guide to Understanding Your Dreams



What does my dream mean?

Dreams are an essential part of our existence. In their symbolic language, they illuminate our lives. But how do we understand their true meaning? This brief guide to interpreting your dreams explains how, in an easy step-by-step process. In workbook format, the Dream Analysis Technique is presented with an explanation of each step and optional exercises for the reader to complete at the end of every chapter. In this way, anyone can uncover the symbolic message of a dream and determine how it relates to waking life.

Emerging from the subconscious, dreams highlight our daily deeds and misdeeds. Beyond that, our nightly visions guide us toward constructive behaviors and solutions to life's problems. The better we understand our dreams, the better we can act on them to make vital changes to our lives.

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams, live the life you have imagined."                      ........ Henry David Thoreau


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Dreams Uncovered is published by Llumina Press, categorized under self-help books, and priced at $10.95.

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Dreams Uncovered is also available through Amazon.com. To directly link to the Amazon.com page, click here.

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